Saturday 8 February 2014


We are the  Muslims We are the  Muslims
We are the  Muslims We are the  Muslims
One nation we have one religion we have
Same prophet we have same Master we have
We read the prayers five times together
We are the brothers we are the brothers
we are the Muslims we are the Muslims

Nahnul Muslimoon” were the words of Sahaba
When prophet ask to sahaba, s what nation you have
we are the Muslims we are the Muslims
we are the Muslims they were said
Nahnul Muslimoon” were the words of Sahaba
How can we differentiate together
 Sindhi Punajabi pukhtoon Blochi
Yes colours are different our languages are different
Mercy of Allah to recognize him by seeing the creatures
we are the brothers we are the brothers
we are the Muslims we are the Muslims
Nahnul Muslimoon” were the words of Sahaba

If Muslims can create their own identifications
Danger to lose their beautiful religion
we will have care in the future
Make a reminder purpose of poem
we are the brothers we are the brothers
we are the Muslims we are the Muslims
Nahnul Muslimoon” were the words of Sahaba

Background of Poem.
Hakim  Akhter Sahab gives a lesson on Nationalities that all Muslims are one nation and the differences of colours are the Identifications off Allah for us .If Muslims will classify their self by these differences then this is the wrong assumption.
When Prophet Muhammad Peace Be upon Him ask to Sahabas MANIL QOOM? “What nation u has”
They reply NAHNUL MUSLIMOON “We are Mulims”...

Friday 26 July 2013

Put your future in the hands of people you can trust - BMA Funds

BMA Fund is a subsidiary of BMA Capital. It was incorporated in 2005. For funds detail kindly visit mentioned link. or call us 0332-3224343 / 021-32412174. Moreover we have "Separately managed account facility" In which we can tailored a product as per your financial needs. “Think Investment I Think BMA”

Saturday 11 May 2013

Do not Blame Pakistani Nation for (Unfair Election 2013)

Do not blame the nation their turn around showed that they are active Its Media + Army + PNL (N) Kills the passion and hopes.
(I am sorry to Army but you do not support your nation as you have all information)

It is clear now that the solidarity was there but the giants,Ideats and higher ranks was not allowed for IK resolution and obeying their real gods ( Bithes ) i-e United States od America,India,Iran.

Similarly nation are more united for Pakistan and Its permanent persistence.

According to me its a time to wash the dirt of Pakistan with our blood.We got this part of land for Islam as Ismaic Rebublic of Pakistan with the leader ship of Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

The medicine for revolution is to convert it into Islamic revolution we do not achieve our goals and dreams without help of mighty Allah.

With the unrealistic defeat of PTI the old wolves are hungry to destroy our beautiful land with the stamp of lion (sher).

The first encounter is to cease the TV media like GEO they prove to be one sided media and only promote instructed campaigns which resulted fair pictures.

There is too much pressure on Pakistan Army support them blindly and empower them to choose good, strong personalities on their higher ranks who understand the responsibilities of Muslim,s commander.

Thank you very much Imran Khan But Pakistani nation is not depending on you they already have a path and a leader (Prophet Peace be open him) and we have Quran and have clear guidelines for revolutuion.

Very disappointed (Unfair Election 2013)
Syed Muhammad Arsalan

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Zulfiqar Educational Memorial Society

Zulfiqar Educational Memorial Society was formed on 1993 for the purpose of providing the platform to those students who faces difficulties for their education which affects their career.
Basically it is the transfer of ownership and responsibilities to continue the incomplete mission of my father.

With the mercy of mighty Allah we strengthen it through our Career Clinic project which has attributes such as recruitment services, International education services and different training programs.

The present situation of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is demanding immediate structural planning which balance the situation and stable the economy of Country.

The planning for all departments and all level of communities is accidently required growing the beloved country which is very important for all over the world especially on current situation.
According to research with proven facts if the youth of the country start taking owner ships for every unit and for every department then we will quickly over come all the issues.

We also researched that the unemployment ratio is increase which cause crimes and other issues we also analyze that the Middle class and lower class youth has vey less opportunities for internships, Specializations through Working and mastering their skills at initial level. The young graduates are trying very hard for jobs as they are not updated and aware with the marketing trends.

Most of them use the short cuts and get involved on crimes for better future and lose their potential for what they are capable for.

These are the true pictures of our generation resulted uncertainty and demoralization. 

Face Book:
Phone:        +92 21 36948448
                 +92 21 36986774
Mobile:        +92 (314) 21 34 100

Sunday 21 April 2013

Understanding of new life Style.”A future of Ecommerce” By Syed Muhammad Arsalan.

As a student of computer science we  taught Ecommerce. it was unacceptable and so strange at that time.We were trying to be in B2b, B2C world on virtual assumption.

As a professional career go on and with working on Tradekey and different campaigns which solves that dilemma and all types of Ecommerce are understandable.

As a Business Manager of Alpinamarkets I am sharing and Introducing a new practice of reselling a traditional business interaction with technology and by the passage of time it will surely take up by the competitors.

But the initiators have a benefit for adopting and accepting the trends. The business behavior of Alpina markets is so simple which is purchase a product on market price and sell it by fixing 20 to 40 percent through Alipna market team.
In simple words an effective investment for immediate and quick return of investment.
It is a revolution of Ecommerce and I can understand it escalates lot of concern for understanding and trust

I am available for all the inquiries as Business Manager with Alpina supporting team for your first step of upcoming future of traditional business to Technology business.

Syed Muhammad Arsalan
21 April 2013
Cell: +92 (314) 2134 100
Skype: Arsalando

Friday 19 April 2013

Career Clinic My Research Project

Career Clinic is a research career oriented, jobs placement program where we focus to train jobless candidates for present Jobs market trends, dimensions and requirements to increase the ratio of job. Career clinic have three modules which resulted job placements.
It is complete employment map and career guide which resulted jobs and career oppurtunites in local and International market.
Interested candidates will register their self for our Module one ,Two and three for their career exploration and abroad studies.

Syed Muhammad Arsalan
Project Head
Capital Institute Of Technology
Email :
Mobile : +92 314 2134100


Internet Advertising, Internet Marketing, Internet Marketing Strategies, Internet Marketing firms, Internet Marketing Companies, Company Internet Marketing.

For promoting businesses and enhancement for business we always believe and on strong marketing and advertisement, Infact companies set their quarterly, monthly yearly marketing budgets for their promotions and offers.

Upper level of management are targeting specific goals, managing policies and formulating hierarchies for achieving their targets.

In order for reaching optimum results with minimum of efforts Managers always looking some efficient ways and channels. If we compare television media with press media we are always skeptic about actual out put or end results for our efforts.

Internet marketing is a flexible approach for finding their targets and one way to hit their desire end users due to flexibility like BANNERS ,PPC, CPC,SEO.

Basically these are the techniques what we use for finding our targeted customers for example I use google adverts for promoting my leather shoes and I base in Sialkot Pakistan and targeting some region of Europe.Means I am very specific and targeting unique users I will set my geographically locations on it and will find hits and lastly I will verify these all via my stats provided by google adverts..

Moreover the result oriented approaches are the right approaches for all companies and business what we see at this era the B2b Websites are much effected channels for promoting and finding the desire business.I want to share one of very special comments presented by my client that was if you throw nuts monkey will come and when you htrow money business will come.

Syed Muhammad Arsalan
19 April 2013
Cell: +92 (314) 2134 100
Skype: Arsalando