Friday 19 April 2013


Julian Paul Assange the founder of wikileaks their organization is publishing the secret, Confidential data and setting the kiosk of uncertainty and panic to all over the world starts from 2006 and finally successfully a one recourse who have every effects can disturb the heat through their publications.
As becoming a very controversial website public starts believing on hem and their good work will appreciated and well known.
The other part of the picture is that after getting all the hard work they are in a position to disguise and can play a game what they want and some recourses will use them for their desires.

Now we don’t need to set a drama like 9/11, Mombay attacks the lobby can use their platform and will start their game via wikileaks platform,One of asumption of mine is that the 9/11 was very controversial and we cannot clearly state that this was done by Al quiada or the Jewish Might be wikileaks will be the one platform for them to set a very clear stage for their next game.

Syed Muhammad Arsalan
19 April 2013
Cell: +92 (314) 2134 100
Skype: Arsalando

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